Detail Oriented, Highly Responsive And Dedicated To My Clients

Protecting Your Children At The Crossroads Of Custody Decisions

Ensuring the safety and protection of your children is one of the most important functions that I perform as a family law attorney. No two families are the same, and you deserve to have an attorney in your corner who advocates for their best interests. You can count on me to do that when it matters most.

The custody and parenting time decisions you make now will have a long-term impact on the lives and future of your kids. At my firm, Lashier Law, PLLC, in Clinton Township, you will find the support you need during this critical decision-making juncture. I draw on extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of Michigan family law to help my clients arrive at well-thought-out arrangements that suit their unique circumstances. And because I am also a certified mediator, I understand how to dig deep to find common ground and come up with creative arrangements that work well for everyone involved – most of all, the children.

Learn more about my mediation services for custody cases.

Understanding Child Custody In Michigan

Custody determinations are based on the best interests of the child or children. There are two aspects of child custody in Michigan:

  • Legal custody refers to the authority to make life decisions regarding the child’s religion, schooling, health matters and more
  • Physical custody refers to the actual visitation schedule the family uses

Except in cases involving domestic abuse, severe mental health issues, substance abuse or other extenuating circumstances, legal custody is usually split equally between both parents.

In determining physical custody, Michigan courts will look at the following best interest factors, which are written into state law:

  • (a) The love, affection, and other emotional ties existing between the parties involved and the child. 
  • (b) The capacity and disposition of the parties involved to give the child love, affection, and guidance and to continue the education and raising of the child in his or her religion or creed, if any. 
  • (c) The capacity and disposition of the parties involved to provide the child with food, clothing, medical care or other remedial care recognized and permitted under the laws of this state in place of medical care, and other material needs.
  • (d) The length of time the child has lived in a stable, satisfactory environment, and the desirability of maintaining continuity.
  • (e) The permanence, as a family unit, of the existing or proposed custodial home or homes. 
  • (f) The moral fitness of the parties involved. 
  • (g) The mental and physical health of the parties involved. 
  • (h) The home, school, and community record of the child.
  • (i) The reasonable preference of the child, if the court considers the child to be of sufficient age to express preference. 
  • (j) The willingness and ability of each of the parties to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship between the child and the other parent or the child and the parents. A court may not consider negatively for the purposes of this factor any reasonable action taken by a parent to protect a child or that parent from sexual assault or domestic violence by the child’s other parent.
  • (k) Domestic violence, regardless of whether the violence was directed against or witnessed by the child.
  • ( l ) Any other factor considered by the court to be relevant to a particular child custody dispute. 

I take a thorough approach to addressing both aspects of custody and developing the strong evidence and arguments necessary to advocate for the children’s best interests.

Let’s Talk About Your Custody Case

I offer free initial, confidential consultations for new divorce cases so you can get to know me before moving forward. Please schedule a consultation online, or contact me by phone at 586-219-1984. I look forward to hearing from you and talking more about your questions and concerns.
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