Detail Oriented, Highly Responsive And Dedicated To My Clients

How do I get this divorce started?

On Behalf of | May 28, 2022 | divorce, Getting Started

SO how do we get this process started?


Click here to schedule an appointment to discuss your case or give me a call at .

Write down all of your questions. We know that coming to a law firm to talk about getting divorce can be scary and overwhelming. We try to cover as much as we can but you may have questions that are specific to your family that we want to answer for you.

Don’t panic. If you don’t have all your information before the meeting, that’s ok. We can still help you get this process started.


Our staff will review your intake forms and sit down with you to talk about what the divorce process entails, how the law applies to your case, how our office runs, and what you can expect from our services.

We don’t charge a fee for this appointment and are happy to discuss your case with you.

There is NO OBLIGATION at our meeting to hire us (but we hope you do!). We will provide you with an estimated cost of our services and as much advice as we can. You are under no obligation to retain our services after the appointment.


After our meeting, we will send you an email with a representation agreement and summary of our consultation. Use the information in the email to retain our services and we will get started right away.

It generally takes us 2-3 business days to draft your initial divorce documents (but in certain circumstances they can be done immediately if necessary). We will contact you to review them and discuss signing, filing, and service on the opposing party.


We set up your documents for e-signing for your convenience.


We always keep our client’s informed of the status of their case and when it is about to be filed. The safety of our client’s is our first priority and because filing for divorce is a public record, we want to make sure you know what’s going on.

After the case is filed, our office may be requesting the Judge assigned to your case to sign a few temporary orders. These can take 2-3 business days to be signed.

Once we have the orders back from the Judge, we will move forward, at your direction with serving the other party. We will never serve another party without your consent and strive to serve the other party in fashion that you are most comfortable with.


Divorces without minor children take a minimum of 60 days. If we are able to settle your case quickly, we can prepare a final Judgment for signature by the parties and the Judge and have your divorce completed shortly after that time period expires. If we aren’t able to settle your case, we will discuss proceeding to mediation and even trial if necessary.

Divorces with minor children generally take 6-8 months to resolve. However, in certain circumstances, if the parties have resolved all of their issues early, Judge’s will often allow them to complete the process sooner.

The plan for your case will depend on your unique facts and circumstances.

This article should not be construed as legal advice. Every case is different. Talk to your attorney today about any concerns you have. Call Lashier Law, PLLC today at or schedule your appointment online.


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